Man, @oneeyedjoe, you and I are brothers from another mother!
I'm starting to wish we'd done fw night, EVER, so that I could use it as a tool to introduce some THINKING. dammit.
family worship night is a boring, depressing, stifling, watchtarded indoctrination/brainwashing session.
it never ends.
like all things wt, there is no end in sight.
Man, @oneeyedjoe, you and I are brothers from another mother!
I'm starting to wish we'd done fw night, EVER, so that I could use it as a tool to introduce some THINKING. dammit.
this is how robert ingersoll responded to a fundamentalist's question, 'what if it's the truth?
' back in the 19th century.
"why," they say to me, "suppose all this should turn out to be true, and you should come to the day of judgement and find all these things to be true.
this chart is charted using the specific phrase: "jehovah's organization" in the watchtower magazine.
notice how they really start de-emphasizing this phrase in the few years before 1975 and for some years after.
looks like they were waiting for it to blow over.. .
just heard of a congregation who has announced a saturday afternoon get-together at an elder's home - to let those who don't have the internet watch the jw tv monthly shows!!!!.
words fail me..
just got news from a friend that yesterday a letter was read in their congregation announcing new locations for the regional conventions in london.. the main item was no twickenham in 2015.. their congregation is assigned to excel london (need to confirm since he was not 100% sure).
i will update this when i get more information tonight.. .
I thought we were getting TWO day conventions this year.
Dammit i was really looking forward to reclaiming 1/365th of my year back.
well, it's finally happened!.
im no longer an ms.. as many would know from our chats via this forum, i've seen it coming for a while....and while the way it was done stinks, i'm really happy to finally be free!.
(would love to share more details...i will do in time...or perhaps a pm would be best).
another good codinghorror blog entry perfectly describes some people's online behaviour and an approach to handling it.
i'll post part of it below but to summarize, these tend to be behaviours that don't violate any specific rules as such as the people doing it try to carefully skate just up to the line but they are nevertheless disruptive and we're not going to tolerate them on this site.
if you are here to do these things then this isn't the site for you - move along, find someplace else on the internet to inhabit.. hate is easy to recognize.
I don't envy your job buddy. There's simply no way to keep everyone happy.
WhenI first came here I was shocked by the vitriol displayed by some, and at the same time equally impressed by the way vitriolic discussions could be held yet friendships maintained.
It was partly this realisation that helped me ease out of the black and white thinking indoctrinated into me from an early age. I'm altogether more balanced now, and if you disagree then you can all just *@#& off!! Only kidding, lg, loving the site, glad I'm finally able to sign in!
rutherfords hostile welcome in new zealand.
posted on december 23, 2014 by barbara on
That's an interesting read, and the video is good too. Is there any documentary evidence of the placard anywhere?
the time has nearly come to switch over to the new forum software.
of course it's not completely finished yet (and never will be) but i think it's good enough to go live with and probably already better than the current one.
i'll give you a quick overview of what to expect and post more detail about the changeover process later.. cloud platform.
It's JUST around the corner..........
see original thread here on jwn:
mother reveals torment as jehovah's witness is jailed for sexually abusing her daughter.
Flippin monster.